
Jonathan McElvy

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(713) 689-8443

Senate passes bill to approve the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences

DEMOPOLIS, ALA. – May 2, 2024 – Today, the proposed Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences cleared its final, major hurdle as the Alabama Senate voted 28-3 to approve the school. Gov. Kay Ivey is expected to sign the legislation in the coming weeks.

“The Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences is coming to Demopolis!” said Gov. Kay Ivey. “Students from all over Alabama will soon benefit from an education at this specialty high school and then go on to bolster our healthcare workforce. The Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences is yet another way our state is leading the nation in innovative education solutions.” 

The ASHS will be a residential high school, located in Demopolis, with a focus on healthcare education and careers. With a curriculum that immerses students in diverse professional opportunities and hands-on clinical training, ASHS will give students a solid foundation in STEMM and prepare them to immediately join the healthcare workforce, if they choose that route. The school was designed to improve health outcomes in rural areas of the state.

“Though we can, and should, celebrate the Senate’s vote, we also know our work is just beginning,” said Rob Pearson, chairman of the ASHS Foundation. “The State of Alabama has placed its faith and trust in us to make this school a model for the rest of the nation. More than ever, we’re going to need the guidance and support of people and institutions across Alabama to make the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences as successful as we know it can be.”

The ASHS Foundation was formed to support and promote the educational programs, curriculums and activities conducted by ASHS. It also will serve to educate the general public, and specifically high school students and their families, about the opportunities afforded by the school, while conducting fundraising for the benefit of the school and its staff and students.

Majd Zayzafoon, MD, PhD, MBA, is the Founding Director of ASHS Strategic Initiatives and Planning, and he is a professor and Assistant Dean of the Heersink School of Medicine at UAB. Zayzafoon, who spent years developing the proposal for ASHS, said he is ecstatic about the school’s construction.

“ASHS in Demopolis is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about building a future where healthcare excellence thrives in rural communities all over the State of Alabama. We’re laying the foundation for a school that will empower students with the skills and passion to transform lives,” Zayzafoon said. “Our journey is far from over; it’s a collaborative effort requiring strong commitment from all Alabamians. Together, we’ll ensure that ASHS realizes its full potential, shaping a brighter tomorrow for healthcare in our state.”

As the final legislative steps are completed, Demopolis Mayor Woody Collins said the people of his city are ready and able to begin the work required before the school opens in 2026.

“At the beginning of this process, our city committed to deeding the land for the school to the ASHS Foundation, and we are thrilled to honor our word,” Collins said. “We also know our city will soon be the home to new staff members and students of this school, and we will keep their needs top-of-mind in every decision we make about the growth of Demopolis.”

In her statement, Gov. Ivey acknowledged the effort of political leaders for their commitment to pushing this project through the Alabama Legislature.

“I commend Sen. Bobby Singleton, Rep. Cynthia Almond, Sen. Gerald Allen, Rep. A.J. McCampbell, Pro Tem Greg Reed, Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter and members of the Legislature who supported this important project,” Gov. Ivey said. “I also greatly appreciate the community support from Demopolis and for the support of healthcare systems and hospitals across our state. Investing in the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences is an investment in education, our healthcare workforce and the future of Alabama.”

The site of the new school is adjacent to Whitfield Regional Hospital, a member of the UAB Health System, which will serve as a learning lab for the students of ASHS. Douglas Brewer, CEO of the hospital, said he knows approval of this school will create a new era of rural healthcare in the region.

“We are thrilled with this opportunity for so many reasons,” Brewer said. “While we’ll get to help shape the future of Alabama’s healthcare workforce in our facility, this school also will attract wonderful people who can contribute to our level of care. Having the opportunity to train future healthcare workers is humbling, and we do not discount the level of trust placed in our hospital and our city.”

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For more information, visit the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences

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